
The locked cougar in one of the New York apartments

Fortunately, this cougar was transferred to more comfortable place from the apartment. It’s incredible how some people want to carry wild animals in their apartments. But no wonder there are many who still illegally keep them in their apartments. The other day a man called the authorities and reported an 11-month-old cougar in his apartment. […]Read More


The dog was taking this little animal home thinking that

This dog, without realizing, could save the life of a newborn bear. Dogs are so kind and friendly that they can make friends with any creature they encounter. Sometimes they bring home the results of their investigation. This dog thought he had found good company. An interesting case recently occurred in Washington County. A family […]Read More


It seems this koala does not like the kiss of

This is how relationships between two different animals can be. Love is a great thing. This feeling creates a special bond between people who long for care. Thank God, loneliness or refuge is curable thanks those who lovingly surround those in need. It is the same in nature, where different species have the same fate. […]Read More


A police officer risks his life to help a bear

This policeman, Thomas Owens, was trying to help the little bear. Everyone should know what to do if they encounter a mother bear with cubs. Even brave people should not go near them. Thomas Owens of the Carol Police Department spotted  bears during work. He knew what to do when he saw bears, he was […]Read More


It is so touching to see this scene: an orphan

It’s so interesting to explore the intimacy of different species of animals like these ones. It has become commonplace to observe animals of different species making friends. Yes, sometimes their living conditions and loss of family lead them to new types of company with others. This time it’s the friendship between an elephant calf and […]Read More


The dolphin, which appeared on the shore with the help

Special thanks to these compassionate people who were able to save the dolphin’s life. One of the saddest scenes on the beach is the suffering mammals washed ashore. Sometimes people come to their aid and help the sea dwellers, and sometimes they die. Fortunately, this time the story ended safely. A group of tourists were […]Read More