The parrots don’t want to leave the bed of their owner and are constantly trying to wake her up

 The parrots don’t want to leave the bed of their owner and are constantly trying to wake her up

In this funny story the parrots wake their owner up and refused fly away.

Parrots are truly unique: amazing birds that are simply impossible not to love. They are quite smart, especially valued for the fact that parrots can copy different sounds.

Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn't agree to leave her bed

These creatures also fall in love with people and perceive them as their good friends.

Parrots are quite easy to keep at home, but there are some features that depend on the type of bird. Sometimes people face difficulties that force them to abandon such a pet. Parrots are friendly and peaceful.

Two parrots decided to wake up their owner and didn't agree to leave her bed

They snuggled up to the girl and begged her under a warm blanket. These incredible birds showed warmth, tenderness and love for themselves. It looked very cute and funny.

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