This wonderful nanny cat tries every day to help his owner take care of little adopted cats

This cat became a nanny for all homeless kittens that end up in the family.

Rigby the cat came into the family 6years ago from a shelter. Since then, he became a nanny for all the homeless kittens.

Many homeless kittens end up in this house, and then Rigby becomes a caring parent, always ready to help.

The nanny cat each time helps his owner care for all the adopted kittens

The striped nanny comes to the kids to help them.

If Holly brings home little kittens with their mothers, Rigby sits tenderly next to them. He understands that in this case his help is not always needed.

The nanny cat each time helps his owner care for all the adopted kittens

Rigby is an example of how adult stray cats can communicate with their kittens.

Rigby helps take care of everyone.

Every morning he sits under the door of his room, waiting to be allowed to see the kittens.

The nanny cat each time helps his owner care for all the adopted kittens

When a mother cat needs a rest, he is always ready to take on his duties.

All kittens adore Rigby for his warmth. They play with him. A good father waits patiently while they play enough.

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