What care: this kind cat immediately accepts and begins to care for abandoned lonely cats

 What care: this kind cat immediately accepts and begins to care for abandoned lonely cats

Six small kittens from a litter ended themselves in a municipal alley.

In Indianapolis, Indiana, six little kittens, abandoned by their mother, find themselves in a city alley. So they put them in a cardboard box and took them to the city’s IndyHumane Animal Shelter.

Two volunteers from a rescue organization began to provide the special help the teens needed so they could succeed in foster care.

Luckily, Jennifer took the three into her foster family.

Bear, one of Jennifer’s pet cats, is known for helping puppies in need.

Fletcher, Olivia and Mara, three adopted children, climbed out of the cage and started looking around the house. They were delighted with their new existence, continuing their travels and finding plenty of food and plenty of toys to play with.

The cats were restless at first, but quickly adapted. They grew up to be inquisitive and active children who loved to get to know their toys.

They were comfortable, but obviously missing their feline mother, so they were given a warming pillow and a soft heart.

Fletcher enjoyed spending a lot of time with his foster mother and was quick to choose Jennifer’s lap as his favorite place to sleep.

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