An American photographer decided to adopt a little girl from Somalia: this is what she became after 20 years

 An American photographer decided to adopt a little girl from Somalia: this is what she became after 20 years

 The photographer saw a lone girl in Somalia and decided to take her with him.

American photographer John Carrie travels the world and takes unusual pictures.

20years ago he went to Africa. Then he visited one of the poorest countries in Somalia. He noticed a little girl sitting on the ground. He took a picture of a little girl.

He decided to take her to the girl’s parents.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t find them. The photographer decided to take the girl with him.

Of course, there were many difficulties. But he succeeded. He has already returned to the US with the girl. He saved her from loneliness.

Since then, 20years have passed. The little girl has become a real beauty.

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